2023 Practice Statistics
56 Babies that we claim as “ours” in 2023
31% of mamas who were in our practice in 2023 had been with us for a previous pregnancy!
36 homebirths attended
86% of labors that started at home stayed home
14% homebirth-to-hospital transfer rate
2% homebirth-to-hospital with necessary cesarean rate
5 homebirth maternal postpartum hemorrhages
3 required stabilization and transfer for excessive blood loss
7 superficial/first/second degree lacerations with holistic recovery (no stitches had to be done all year!)
1st successful external cephalic version - PRIMIP was referred to Reading Hospital for a successful ECV in-hospital, and then had a successful homebirth!
1 homebirth after cesarean
18 clients had a hospital birth
12 planned prior to active labor
6 transferred during labor
Only 1 ended in a cesarean birth
Cesarean Births: 13% Total cesarean rate (8 cesarean births)
(1) Labor transfer turned cesarean for circumvallete placenta and failure to descend after 7 hours full dilation and 5+ hours of pushing (we attended this birth)
(1) PRIMP breech, mom elected for a cesarean after informed consent (we attended this birth)
(1) Preterm rupture of membranes with cord occlusion/placenta previa (we attended this birth)
(3) 42 weeks gestation with complications present, all were repeat cesareans (we attended all three of these births, and all moms felt well supported)
(1) set of natural triplets (2 eggs released, one became single male, the other formed twin girls. Planned hospital birth for which we provided wellness/nutrition care)
(1) induced for gestational diabetes with cascade of interventions (planned hospital birth for which we provided wellness/nutrition support)