Navigating Ankyloglossia: A Holistic Approach to Tethered Oral Tissues
In recent years, Ankyloglossia, commonly known as Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs), has emerged as a noticeable concern among newborns, affecting around 5% of infants. TOTs includes tongue or lip ties, or even both. While theories about the causes of TOTs abound, growing evidence points towards genetic factors, notably a gene mutation called MTHFR. This mutation plays a pivotal role in the processing of folate, which is vital for DNA creation and protein modification.
Understanding MTHFR Mutation and Its Impact
MTHFR, or “Mtheyl-Tetra-Hydro-Folate-Reductase,” is responsible for folate processing. Folate plays a crucial role in DNA function and protein modification. Roughly 30-50% of the population carries the MTHFR gene mutation, which can disrupt the liver enzyme needed to process folate. This disruption can result in mid-line malformations, including tongue and lip ties.
Folic Acid vs Folate: An Important Distinction
Pregnant women have long-been advised to take prenatal vitamins with folic acid. However, this approach may not be suitable for those with the MTHFR gene mutation. Folic acid is synthetic and lacks the natural occurrence found in the body. It's best to avoid folic acid-based prenatal vitamins, favoring herbal- and whole-food-based options, alongside a balanced diet rich in naturally occurring folate.
Deciphering Tongue Ties and Their Signs
Detecting tongue ties in babies involves careful observation. Obvious tongue ties manifest as a heart-shaped tongue with an attachment, usually near the tip. Less apparent ties, called posterior ties, can be almost invisible. Symptoms include poor latch, prolonged feeding, fussiness during feeding, clicking sounds, restricted tongue movement, and persistent hunger despite long feedings.
Navigating Treatment: Beyond Frenectomy
The most common approach for addressing TOTs is a frenectomy (also known as a revision), a procedure to release the tissue causing the tie. While it has its benefits, this surgical procedure carries the risk of complications and re-tethering. Our philosophy at Harrisburg Midwife and Wellness advocates a holistic route. We explore potential underlying causes of tongue or lip ties, incorporating Craniosacral Therapy (CST) and Chiropractic care. These therapies release muscular tension, promoting healthier tongue function.
Assessment and Holistic Healing
Our holistic approach centers on assessing latch quality, tongue function, and weight gain. We prioritize working on possible causes of ties before resorting to surgery. Babies experiencing tongue or lip ties may benefit from CST and Chiropractic care. Our goal is to provide each baby with tailored therapies for optimal growth and development. Every baby is different and will have different needs.
The Lifelong Impact of Undiagnosed TOTs
Undiagnosed tongue ties, especially posterior ones, can have far-reaching consequences. Older children and adults might experience difficulties while eating, speech delays, dental problems, and more. Adults may face challenges in opening their mouths fully, impacting speech and eating habits. Migraines and jaw pain are also common symptoms.
Symptoms of TOTs beyond babyhood
Older children with TOTs can have symptoms including:
inability to chew properly
gagging and/or choking while eating
poor dental hygiene, dental problems
delayed speech
behavior problems
Adults with TOTs can exhibit the inability to open their mouth wide enough, which affects speech and eating habits, and can cause clicking jaws, migraines, and jaw pain.
Early Assessment, Lasting Benefits
Proper assessment for TOTs begins in infancy. Even if there are no visible signs of a tie, observing nursing and thriving difficulties can warrant Chiropractic care and CST. These therapies offer various advantages, ensuring a solid start in life, regardless of the presence of a tie. With a holistic approach, we aim to foster healthier oral development and overall well-being for both babies and their families.