Unlocking the Benefits of Magnesium: A Guide for Pregnant Women

As you navigate your pregnancy, it's crucial to understand the role magnesium plays in supporting your well-being and your baby's development. Magnesium, a vital mineral, performs a multitude of functions within your body. Different systems and cells in the body utilize different types of magnesium.

Meeting the Unique Needs of Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your body strives to provide both you and your growing baby with the necessary nutrients. However, challenges like morning sickness can strip your body of essential elements, including magnesium. To ensure your well-being and your baby’s healthy development, it’s essential to address this deficiency. This deficiency can lead to a range of symptoms such as:

  • Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting

  • Fatigue

  • Dificulty sleeping

  • Muscle twitching

  • Poor memory

  • Irregular heartbeat

  • Weakness

Understanding Magnesium Varieties

Magnesium comes in various forms, each with its unique benefits. For instance, magnesium glycinate is best for supporting nervous system. This form aids in memory, learning, and brain development. On the other hand, magnesium citrate is a solution for constipation, a common concern among our pregnant clients.

Transdermal Magnesium Therapy: Your Ally

Oral absorption of magnesium might not always be efficient, particularly if you have digestive issues. Research suggests that only 40-50% of oral magnesium is utilized, compared to 60-80% of topical magnesium. Transdermal Magnesium Therapy, involving the topical application of magnesium, offers a promising solution. Magnesium soaks and sprays, such as magnesium chloride flakes, can be immensely beneficial.

Crafting Your Own Transdermal Magnesium Solution

Creating your magnesium oil spray is a cost-effective and easy option. While store-bought magnesium oil exists, it can be pricey. By making your magnesium oil, you can tailor it to your preferences. This is a great, informative article from The Herbal Academy that also gives a recipe for making your own magnesium oil. Be prepared for some potential skin reactions when you first start treatment, such as itching and redness. Applying the spray about an hour before a shower can help minimize these reactions. These reactions should decrease over time as your body becomes accustomed to using the spray.

Embracing the Benefits of Transdermal Magnesium Therapy

Integrating Transdermal Magnesium Therapy into your routine offers numerous advantages during pregnancy:

  • Eases tension in the back, neck, and head

  • Promotes better sleep quality

  • Mitigates nausea and morning sickness

  • Prevents leg cramps and restless leg syndrome (RLS)

  • Relieves lower back, hip, and round ligament pains

Holistic Magnesium Supplementation

At Harrisburg Midwife & Wellness, we advocate a holistic approach to magnesium supplementation. A combination of oral and topical magnesium provides comprehensive coverage. Opting for a supplement with multiple magnesium types enhances bioavailability and supports both you and your baby. Our recommended magnesium supplement, Magnesium Breakthrough, contains seven magnesium varieties, ensuring that you receive the maximum benefits.

Taking Charge of Your Health

Whether you suspect a magnesium deficiency or simply want to ensure you and your baby are thriving, seeking guidance is essential. Understanding the significance of magnesium in your journey empowers you to make informed choices for a vibrant and healthy pregnancy.


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